If you are a Catholic convert and would like to share with us, write to me at windyrdg@frontier.com. Peace & Blessings, Gail

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Discouraged by Pope Francis

As a convert, the issues over Pope Francis are confusing and overwhelming. God protect us from his liberal choices for archbishops, and his statements that are not Catholic.

The more I hear regarding my husband's internet search results, the more saddened they make me. Pope Benedict XVI why, oh why, did you have to leave? I've come to believe that he didn't leave willingly and that he is being sequestered away from the public by evil men in the Vatican. 

An avid writer, we no longer hear anything from him. How much does he know of what is happening to the Catholic Church? We can count on his prayers for our Church, but perhaps nothing else. Yet, prayer is our most powerful weapon against the devil's attack on the faithful. God preserve us ... I know He will. Meanwhile, with all the homosexual bishops protecting pedophile priests, our Church congregations continue to grow smaller and smaller. 

As our Holy Church grows smaller, those remaining are the strongest in faith. It may also mean that the decades of the Latin Mass will be salvaged and reinstated because of groups like the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX). 

Do not lose Faith. God is in charge even though He feels far from us at the moment. Perhaps His intention is to challenge his faithful to strengthen their faith during the controversy and attacks on our Church. 

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, that prowl around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen"


Friday, February 17, 2017

15 Saint Bridget Prayers for a whole year

For a long time St. Bridget wanted to know the number of blows Our Lord received during His Passion. One day he appeared to her and said, "I received 5480 blows on My Body. If you wish to honor them in some way, say 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Marys with the following Prayers for a whole year. When the year is up, you will have honored each one of My Wounds." 
*Our Lord made 21 promises to anyone who recites the 15 St. Bridget Prayers for a whole year. They are listed in italics below these prayers.

15 Saint Bridget Prayers for a whole year 
First Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus Christ!  Eternal Sweetness to those who love Thee, joy surpassing all joy and desire, Salvation and Hope of all sinners, Who has proved that Thou has no greater desire than to be among men, even assuming human nature at the fullness of time for the love of men. Recall all the suffering Thou endured from the instant of Thy Conception, and especially during Thy Passion, as it was decreed and ordained in the Divine plan from all eternity.
Remember, O Lord, that during the Last Supper with Thy disciples, having washed their feet, Thou gave them Thy Most Precious Body and Blood, and while sweetly consoling them, Thou foretold them of Thy coming Passion.
Remember the sadness and bitterness which Thou did experience in Thy Soul as Thou Thyself bore witness saying:  “My Soul is sorrowful even unto death.”
Remember all the fear, anguish and pain that Thou did suffer in Thy delicate Body before the torment of the Crucifixion. When, after praying three times, bathed in a sweat of blood, you were betrayed by Judas, Thy disciple. Then arrested by the people of a nation you had chosen and elevated, all during the flower of Thy youth and during the solemn Paschal season. You were accused by false witnesses and unjustly judged by three judges.
Remember that Thou was despoiled of Thy garments and clothed in those of derision; that Thy Face and Eyes were veiled, that Thou was buffeted, crowned with thorns, a reed placed in Thy Hands, that Thou was crushed with blows and overwhelmed with affronts and outrages.
In memory of all these pains and sufferings which you endured before Thy Passion on the Cross, grant us before our death true contrition, a sincere and entire confession, worthy satisfaction and the remission of all our sins.  Amen.
Second Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  True liberty of angels, Paradise of delights, remember the horror and sadness which Thou endured when, tormented at will, Thy enemies surrounded Thee like furious lions and meted out thousands of insults, spits, blows, lacerations and other unheard-of-cruelties.  In consideration of these torments and insulting words, we beseech Thee, O Savior, to deliver us from all our enemies, visible and invisible, and to bring us, under Thy protection, to the completion of eternal salvation.  Amen.
Third Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus! Creator of Heaven and Earth Whom nothing can encompass or limit, Thou who does enfold and hold all under Thy Loving power, remember the very bitter pain Thou did suffer when Thy Sacred Hands and Feet were nailed to the Cross by blow after blow with big blunt nails.  And not finding Thee in a pitiable enough state to satisfy their rage, they enlarged Thy Wounds and added pain to pain. With indescribable cruelty, they stretched Thy body on the Cross, pulling Thee from all sides, dislocating Thy Limbs.
We beg of Thee, O Jesus, by the memory of this most Loving suffering of the Cross, to grant us the grace to fear Thee and to Love Thee.  Amen.
Fourth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Heavenly Physician, raised aloft on the Cross to heal our wounds with Thine, remember the bruises which Thou did suffer and the weakness of all Thy Members which were distended to such a degree that never was there pain like Thine.  From the crown of Thy Head to the Soles of Thy Feet there was not one spot on Thy Body not in torment.  Yet, forgetting all Thy sufferings, Thou did not cease to pray to Thy Heavenly Father for Thy enemies, saying:  “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Through this great Mercy, and in memory of this suffering, grant that the remembrance of Thy Most Bitter Passion may effect in us a perfect contrition and the remission of all our sins.  Amen.
Fifth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Mirror of eternal splendor, remember the sadness which Thou experienced, when contemplating in the light of Thy Divinity, the predestination of those who would be saved by the merits of Thy Sacred Passion.  Thou did also see at the same time, the great multitude of reprobates who would be damned for their sins, and Thou did complain bitterly of those hopeless lost and unfortunate sinners.
Through this abyss of compassion and pity, and especially through the goodness which Thou displayed to the good thief when Thou said to him:  “This day, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise,” we beg of Thee, O Sweet Jesus, that at the hour of our death, you will show us mercy.  Amen.
Sixth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Beloved and most desirable King, remember the grief Thou did suffer, when naked and like a common criminal, Thou was fastened and raised on the Cross, when all Thy relatives and friends abandoned Thee, except Thy Beloved Mother, who remained close to Thee during Thy agony and whom Thou did entrust to Thy faithful disciple when Thou said to Mary:  “Woman, behold thy son!” and to St. John:  “Son, behold thy Mother!”
We beg of Thee O Savior, by the sword of sorrow which pierced the soul of Thy Holy Mother, to have compassion on us in all our affliction and tribulations, both corporal and spiritual. And to assist us in all our trials, and especially at the hour of our death.  Amen.
Seventh Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Inexhaustible Fountain of compassion, Who by a profound gesture of Love, said from the Cross: “I thirst!” while suffering from a thirst for salvation of the human race.  We beg of Thee O Savior, to inflame in our hearts the desire to tend toward perfection in all our acts; and to extinguish in us any greed, evil lust of the flesh, or yearning toward worldly desires.  Amen.
Eighth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Sweetness of hearts, delight of the spirit, by the bitterness of the vinegar and gall which Thou did taste on the Cross for Love of us, grant us the grace to receive worthily Thy Precious Body and Blood during our life and at the hour of our death, that they may serve as a remedy and consolation for our souls.  Amen.
Ninth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Royal virtue, joy of the mind, recall the pain Thou endured when, plunged in an ocean of bitterness at the approach of death, insulted, outraged by the Jews, Thou did cry out in a loud voice to Thy Father, saying:  “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”
Through this anguish, we beg of Thee, O Savior, not to abandon us in the terrors and pains of our own death.  Amen.
Tenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Who art the beginning and end of all things, life and virtue, remember that for our sakes Thou was plunged in an abyss of suffering from the soles of Thy Feet to the crown of Thy Head.  In consideration of the enormity of Thy Wounds, teach us to keep, through pure love, Thy Commandments, whose way is wide and easy for those who love Thee.  Amen.
Eleventh Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Deep abyss of mercy, we beg of you, in memory of the Wounds which penetrated to the very marrow of Thy Bones and to the depth of Thy being, to draw us, miserable sinners, overwhelmed by our offenses, away from sin and to hide us from Thy Face justly irritated against us.  Hide us in Thy Wounds, until Thy anger and just indignation shall have passed away.  Amen.
Twelfth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Mirror of Truth, symbol of unity, link of Charity, remember the multitude of wounds with which Thou was covered from head to foot, torn and reddened by the spilling of Thy adorable Blood.  O Great and Universal Pain which Thou did suffer in Thy virginal Flesh for Love of us!  Sweetest Jesus!  What is there that you could have done for us which you have not done!  May the fruit of Thy sufferings be renewed in our souls by the faithful remembrance of Thy Passion, and may Thy Love increase in our hearts each day, until we see Thee in eternity.  Thou art the treasury of every real good and every joy, which we beg of Thee to grant us, O Sweetest Jesus, in Heaven.  Amen.
Thirteenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus! Strong Lion, Immortal and Invincible King, remember the pain which Thou endured when all Thy strength, both moral and physical, was entirely exhausted, and Thou did bow Thy head, saying: “It is consummated!”
Through this anguish and grief, we beg of Thee Lord Jesus, to have mercy on us at the hour of our death when our minds will be greatly troubled and our souls in anguish.  Amen.
Fourteenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  Only Son of the Father, Splendor and Figure of His Substance, remember the simple and humble recommendation Thou did make of Thy Soul to Thy Eternal Father, saying:  “Father, into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit!”  And with Thy Body all torn, and Thy Heart Broken, and the bowels of Thy Mercy open to redeem us, Thou did Expire.  By this Precious Death, we beg of Thee O King of Saints, comfort us and help us to resist the devil, the flesh and the world, so that being dead to the world we may live for Thee alone.  We beg of Thee at the hour of our death to receive us, pilgrims and exiles returning to Thee.  Amen.
Fifteenth Prayer
Our Father – Hail Mary.
O Jesus!  True and fruitful Vine!  Remember the abundant outpouring of Blood which you did so generously shed from Thy Sacred Body like juice from grapes in a wine press.
From Thy Side, pierced with a lance by a soldier, blood and water issued forth until there was not left in Thy Body a single drop, and finally, like a bundle of myrrh lifted to the top of the Cross Thy delicate Flesh was destroyed, the very Substance of Thy Body withered, and the Marrow of Thy Bones dried up.
Through this bitter Passion and through the outpouring of Thy Precious Blood, we beg of Thee, O Sweet Jesus, to receive our souls when we are in our death agony.  Amen.
O Sweet Jesus!  Pierce our hearts so that our tears of penitence and love will be our bread day and night.  May we be converted entirely to Thee.  May our hearts be Thy perpetual habitation, may our conversations be pleasing to Thee, and may the end of our lives be so praiseworthy that we may merit Heaven and be there with Thy saints, praising Thee forever.  Amen.

1) I will deliver 15 souls of their lineage from Purgatory. 
 2) Fifteen souls of their lineage will be confirmed and preserved in grace.  
3) Fifteen sinners of their lineage will be converted.  
4) Whoever recites these Prayers will attain the first degree of perfection.  
5) Fifteen days before their death I will give them My Precious Body in order that they may escape eternal starvation; and will give them My Precious Blood to drink lest they thirst eternally.
6) Fifteen days before their death will feel a deep contrition for all their sins and will have a perfect knowledge of them.
7) I will place before them the sign of My Victorious Cross for their help in defense against the attacks of their enemies.
8) Before their death I shall come with My Dearest Beloved Mother.
9) I shall graciously receive their soul and will lead it into eternal joys.
10) And having led it there, I shall give them a special draught from the fountain of My Deity, something I will not for those who have not recited My Prayers.
11) Let it be known that whoever may have lived in a state of mortal sin for 30 years, but who will recite devoutly, or have the intention to recite these Prayers, the Lord will forgive them all their sins.
12) I shall protect them from strong temptations.
13) I shall preserve and guard their five senses.
14) I shall preserve them from a sudden death.
15) Their soul will be delivered from eternal death.
16) They will obtain all they ask for from God and the Blessed Virgin.
17) If they have lived all their life doing their own will and are to die the next day, their life will be prolonged. 
18) Every time one recites these Prayers they gain 100 days of indulgence.
19) They are assured of being joined to the supreme Choir of Angels.
20) Whoever teaches these Prayers to another, will have continuous joy and merit which will endure eternally.
21) There where these Prayers are being said, or will be said in the future, God is present with His grace. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

An Educated Jew Discovers Jesus the Messiah

 A Jewish man's discovery.

Intellectual researching and study has led many Jews, Agnostics, Deists, Muslims, Atheists and countless others to discover the truth of Christ. One only need be open and willing to investigate and learn. "Seek and ye shall find." Remaining in the dark by choosing to stay ignorant is very unwise.

Love this man's story of how he and his father were led to believe. God works in mysterious ways.

Many Blessings. Shalom.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fundamental Catholic Prayers

Sign of the Cross:   In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father:  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary:  Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory Be:  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Apostles’ Creed:  I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father; from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

 Prayers to Our Lady

The Rosary:  The six fundamental prayers listed above are also part of the Catholic rosary, a devotion dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of God. (CCC 971) The rosary consists of fifteen decades. Each decade focuses upon a particular mystery in the life of Christ and his Blessed Mother. It is customary to say five decades at a time, while meditating upon one set of mysteries.

Bead by Bead
Our Father
10 Hail Marys
Glory Be
My Jesus

Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday)
I.    The Annunciation
II.   The Visitation
III. The Birth of our Lord
IV. The Presentation of our Lord
V.  The Finding of our Lord in the Temple

Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)
I.    The Agony in the Garden
II.   The Scourging at the Pillar
III. The Crowning with Thorns
IV. The Carrying of the Cross
V.  The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord

Glorious Mysteries (Sunday & Wednesday)
I.    The Resurrection
II.   The Ascension
III. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
IV. The Assumption of our Blessed Mother into Heaven
V.  The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth

Light or Luminous Mysteries (Thursday)
I.    The Baptism of Jesus 
II.   The Wedding of Cana
III.  The Proclamation of the Kingdom
IV.  The Transfiguration
V.   The Institution of the Eucharist
Hail Holy Queen:  Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Memorare:  Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we turn to thee, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother. To thee we come, before thee we stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, do not despise our petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer us. Amen.

The Angelus:  The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. (Hail Mary ...) Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. (Hail Mary ...) And the Word was made flesh. R. And dwelt among us. (Hail Mary ...) Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy grace into our hearts; that, we to whom the incarnation of Christ, thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by his passion and cross, be brought to the glory of his resurrection, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

 Daily Prayers

Prayer Before Meals:  Bless us O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to Our Guardian Angel:  Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Morning Offering:  O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of your sacred heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all the apostles of prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month.

Evening prayer:  O my God, at the end of this day I thank you most heartily for all the graces I have received from you. I am sorry that I have not made a better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against you. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear guardian angel, and all you saints of God, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory.

Generally, this evening prayer is followed by an act of contrition, which is usually said in conjunction with an examination of conscience. A daily examination of conscience consists of a brief recounting of our actions during the day. What sins did we commit? Where did we fail? In what areas of our lives can we strive to make virtuous progress? Having determined our failures and sins, we make an act of contrition.

Act of Contrition:  O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend thee, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.

Prayer after Mass,   Anima Christi:  Soul of Christ, make me holy. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, fill me with love. Water from Christ’s side, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. Good Jesus, hear me. Within your wounds, hide me. Never let me be parted from you. From the evil enemy, protect me. At the hour of my death, call me, and tell me to come to you that with your saints I may praise you through all eternity. Amen.

Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Prayer to the Holy Spirit:  Breathe into me Holy Spirit, that all my thoughts may be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.

Come, Holy Spirit:  Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray:  O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may be always truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers to the Angels and Saints

Prayer to Saint Joseph:  O glorious Saint Joseph, you were chosen by God to be the foster father of Jesus, the most pure spouse of Mary, ever virgin, and the head of the Holy Family. You have been chosen by Christ’s vicar as the heavenly patron and protector of the Church founded by Christ.
Protect the Holy Father, our sovereign pontiff, and all bishops and priests united with him. Be the protector of all who labor for souls amid the trials and tribulations of this life, and grant that all peoples of the world may follow Christ and the Church he founded.

Dear St. Joseph, accept the offering I make to you. Be my father, protector, and guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me purity of heart and a love for the spiritual life. After your example, let all my actions be directed to the greater glory of God, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and your own paternal heart. Finally, pray for me that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel:  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Homily 2014 - A Mother's Act of Love

Just the saying the word Mother releases a torrent of memories…the times when we were young and came racing home with a scrape to have it kissed and made better…sitting beside and listening in fascination  to her stories…the times when we misbehaved and had to face the music.
Whatever the memories, I think in our heart of hearts we all know that we fell short when it came to returning our mother’s love. We knew she’d always be there in good times or bad. Those of us who are fortunate enough to still have them with us can continue to chip away at that deficit. But no matter how hard we try, we’ll always owe our mothers a debt that can never be fully repaid.

It’s no accident that Catholics speak of their Holy Mother Church with awe and reverence. Our earthly mothers cared for us as we grew and guided us to maturity. In much the same way, the Church nurtures and feeds our faith with her sacraments and grace. And, like a mother, she disciplines her children, protecting them from the onslaughts of evil that could destroy them.
Not all mothers give birth to their children. For a variety of reasons some take them into their heart through adoption, though they love them no less. Likewise, some members of the Church are born into it. They’re the so-called cradle Catholics. Others, many others, come to her bereft and needy, searching for the love that only she can give. She wraps her mantle around them, heals their hurts and brings them into the fold, making them her sons and daughters.
Mothers are, of course, women and we’ve been trained to think of God as our Father. While a father can love just as deeply as a mother, it’s a different type of love because fathers have a different role to play in the lives of their children. Yet the Bible does not shrink back from comparing God’s love to that of a mother.
In one of the most familiar passages, Isaiah 49:15, God asks, “Can a woman forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you.”
Hosea 13:8 again compares God’s care to the protective love of a mother: “I will attack them like a bear robbed of its young.”
In Matthew 23:37 as Jesus weeps over Jerusalem we hear him say, “…how many times I yearned to gather your children together as a hen gathers her young under her wings, but you were unwilling!”
Anyone who has ever known the mother of a wayward child — either son or daughter — can tell you they wake up each morning hoping that today is the day her child comes back. While the details of the parable of the Prodigal Son are few and far between, we can be certain of one thing. The father must have been a widower. Were he not, the boy’s mother would have surely shoved him aside saying, “Look out! My little boy’s come home.”
Unfortunately, Holy Mother Church also has her wayward children. Some push aside her protective arms and wander in that distant country. She, like all mothers, waits in constant desire for their return. That is one of the unique attributes of Catholicism. Simply come back and all will be forgiven. Only death can truly separate you from your mother, the Church.
Mother’s Day is an appropriate time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for our Mothers and all they did for us. This Mother’s Day, why not offer a second prayer for your Mother the Church.  - Edward G. Lewis
Happy Mother's Day

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Special Indulgence of Divine Mercy Sunday - April 27, 2014

In his appearances to Sister Faustina our Lord requested that souls prepare for Divine Mercy Sunday with a novena and daily recitation of the chaplet of Divine Mercy.
This special plenary indulgence is a once-a-year blessing. Divine Mercy Sunday is April 27, 2014 this year. We can have the remission of all temporal punishment due to sin simply by saying the Novena prayers and the chaplet beginning on Good Friday and continuing through the following week.
A concise explanation along with all of the prayers and process can be downloaded and printed at the link below. Don't overlook this great opportunity.
Click HERE

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


As I empty the ice trays into the bin, I lament the fact that our ice maker does not work. How many minutes, adding up the hours, have been wasted unnecessarily in emptying and refilling ice trays? Or in efforts to not forget so we don't run out of ice? I think I could use those wasted minutes on so many more important endeavors, if only the ice maker worked.

Then a thought popped into my head. I believe the Holy Spirit takes moments like this to remind me of my blessings. At church last weekend there was a plea for a clean water project in Tanzania. So, we donated something. My belief at the time was that the African women who had to walk far for clean water were keeping fit and probably had little else of value to spend their time on. Wrong! It also didn't occur to me then that they never have ice.

The thought that rolled around in my head this morning was a simple story. Here it is:

Abiria sat the heavy water jug on the ground and lifted her foot. How had she managed to step on a rock so sharp that it caused pain through her heavy callouses? She rubbed at the indentation in the heel of her foot before setting her foot back on the ground. She needed to hurry. No time to sit and rest. Dust from the road blew around her bare feet covering her black skin and making it look gray to her knees. The blowing dust also obscured her view of the roadbed. That's how she must have missed seeing the rock that caused her problem.
She hefted the water jug back up to her shoulder and onto her head. Looking straight ahead she kept it carefully balanced as she picked up her pace. She was tired, but her garden was at risk whenever she was away. Her elderly mother watched the smallest of her children while the older ones tended their small goat herd. No one tended the garden except Abiria.

It was two miles from her Tanzanian village to a source of fresh water. The trip there was easy, it was the trip back that was difficult. The water jug was heavy, but she carried as much as she could. It needed to last her family for an entire day. The the trip would be repeated tomorrow morning and every morning thereafter...all before the sun grew too hot.

As she topped the rise and looked down on her hut, she screamed. Yelling and hollering, she tried to run, but her weary legs rebelled. A neighbor's cow had broken through her brush fence and was eating the meager things she'd managed to grow. As she yelled, a neighbor looked up from her own patch of greens and ran to Abiria's garden. She struggled to chase the cow from the garden, but was unsuccessful until Abiria arrived. Placing her water jug on the ground, she picked up a switch and began beating the cow until it finally ran away.

She turned to inspect the damage when her neighbor, began to yell, "Abiria! Oh no, Abiria!"

Turning toward the neighbor she saw her precious water seeping into the ground. The cow had knocked over the vessel. The neighbor grabbed and righted it, but too late. The tall jug was cracked and would no longer hold water.

Abiria sat down and began to cry. She'd have to make another trip for water in the hot sun, and how would she carry the water?

This story simply leaped into my mind this morning. Could it be true? The Holy Spirit knows, I don't. But, I do realize that mothers in Tanzania do have better things to do with their time than walk miles for water.

If this thought touches you too, contributions for wells to provide villages with clean water on site can be made to:

 St. Maurus Hanga Abbey,
c/o St. Pius X Church,
4880 Bristol Ave, Klamath Falls, OR  97603. 
Peace and Blessings,